OGHBYRG Community Center

OGHBYRG (AWG-BERG) stems from a church motto his grandparents started over 43 years ago, with the church they founded. Since its inception, the church services conclude by
attendees proclaiming: “If you obey God, he’ll bless you real good.” The facilities are in honor of them.

Unity Gospel House of Prayer is not seeking to relocate, but to buildup and provide much needed resources for the betterment of our community. The new multi-purpose facility is being built to provide spiritual and educational resources, as well as fitness and sports to the local community.

The objective of the new multi-purpose is to provide support through education in the following areas: etiquette, computer classes, sewing, biblical principles and how to apply in real-life scenarios, job-readiness and college preparation for high school children, health and wellness, and personal hygiene. The facility will provide opportunities for persons of all ages to participate in a wide range of programs that educate and stimulate, enhance self-confidence, and promote mental and physical health.

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